Showing posts with label Wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisdom. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Swami Vivekananda said so.....

For my own part I will be incarnated two hundred times, if that is necessary to do what I have undertaken amongst my people.
All my patriotism is gone. Everything is gone. Now it's only Mother, Mother!
My ideal, indeed, can be put into a few words, and that is to preach unto mankind their divinity, and how to make it manifest in every movement of life.
Religion is the manifestation of the divinity already in man.
Religion is the idea which is raising the brute unto man, and man unto God.
The secret of religion lies not in theories but in practice. To be good and do good - that is the whole of religion.
Man is higher than all animals, than all angels; none is greater than man.
One may gain political and social independence, but if one is a slave to his passions and desires, one cannot feel the pure joy of real freedom.
Look at the wall. Did the wall ever tell a lie? It is always the wall. Man tells a lie and becomes a god, too. After so much austerity, I have understood this as the real truth - God is present in every jiva; there is no other God besides that. 'Who serves jiva, serves God indeed.'
Cut out the word help from your mind. You cannot help; it is blasphemy! You worship. When you give a morsel of food to a dog, you worship the dog as God. He is all, and is in all.
Unselfishness is God. One may live on a throne, in a palace, and be perfectly unselfish; and then he is in God. Another may live in a hut and wear rags, and have nothing in the world; yet if he is selfish, he is intensely merged in the world.
All nations have attained greatness by paying proper respect to women. That country and that nation which do not respect women have never become great, nor will ever be in future.
With five hundred men ... the conquest of India might take fifty years: with as many women, not more than a few weeks.
Religion and religion alone is the life of India, and when that goes, India will die, in spite of politics, in spite of social reforms, in spite of Kubera's wealth poured upon the head of every one of her children.
Before flooding India with socialistic or political ideas, first deluge the land with spiritual ideas.
We want to lead mankind to the place where there is neither the Vedas, nor the Bible, nor the Koran; yet this has to be done by harmonizing the Vedas, the Bible, and the Koran.
Mankind ought to be taught that religions are but the varied expressions of THE RELIGION, which is Oneness, so that each may choose the path that suits him best.
Who will give the world light? Sacrifice in the past has been the Law; it will be, alas, for ages to come. The earth's bravest and best will have to sacrifice themselves for the good of many, for the welfare of all.
Truth, purity, and unselfishness - whenever these are present, there is no power below or above the sun to crush the possessor thereof. Equipped with these, one individual is able to face the whole universe in opposition.
Everything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth cannot be sacrificed for anything.
The highest ideal is eternal and entire self-abnegation, where there is no 'I', but is Thou'.
By work alone, men may get to where Buddha got largely by meditation or Christ by prayer. Buddha was a working Jnani, Christ was a Bhakta, but the same goal was reached by both of them.
All expansion is life, all contraction is death.
All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction. Love is therefore the only law of life. He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying. Therefore love for love's sake, because it is law of life, just as you breathe to live.
The national ideals of India are Renunciation and Service. Intensity her in those channels, and the rest will take care of itself.
Good motives, sincerity, and infinite love can conquer the world. One single soul possessed of these virtues can destroy the dark designs of millions of hypocrites and brutes.
Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success

To enhance your knowledge regarding your health, financial and monetary conditions and wisdom, keep visiting Health, Wealth and Wisdom

To keep yourself updated regarding Dehradun and the world, please visit Doonspot


Friday, June 6, 2008

The Company You Keep

It is better to be alone, than in the wrong company. Tell me who your best friends are, and I will tell you who you are.

If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl, but, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.

"A mirror reflects a person's face, but what they are really like is shown by the kind of friends they choose."

The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those with whom you closely associate - for both good and bad reasons.

The less you associate with some people, the more your life will improve.

Any time you tolerate mediocrity in others, it increases your mediocrity.

An important attribute in successful people is their impatience with negative thinking and negative acting people.

As you grow, your associates will change. Some of your friends will not want you to go on.

They will want you to stay where they are. Friends that don't help you climb; will want you to crawl. Your friends will stretch your vision not choke your dream.

Those that don't increase you will eventually decrease you.

Consider this: never receive counsel from unproductive people.

Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to the solution, because those who never succeed themselves are always first to tell you how.

Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. You are certain to get the worst of the bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person.

Don't follow anyone who's not going anywhere.

With some people you spend an evening. With others you invest it.

Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life.

Wise is the person who fortifies his life with the right friendships.

Make choices wisely, for they will influence your life always.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mahatma Gandhi said so………..

He, who concentrates on anyone thing with singleness of purpose, will ultimately acquire the capacity to do everything.
Nothing can work without rules. The entire solar system would go to pieces if there were even a momentary breach of the rules governing it.
Even-mindedness is the best of all learning.
The true mark of success in life is the growth of tenderness and maturity in a man. In order, to know himself man must come out of his shell and view himself dispassionately.
Evil by itself has no legs to stand up.
A man is but the products of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.
If I have the belief that I can do it, I will surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and wiser might err.

To enhance your knowledge regarding your health, financial and monetary conditions and wisdom, keep visiting Health, Wealth andWisdom

To keep yourself updated regarding Dehradun and the world, please visit Doonspot


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Words of Wisdom from the Great Indian Teacher, Philosopher and Economist CHANAKYA

“Greediness if you have, it’s the worst defect!
Betrayal if you do, it’s the meanest act!
Truthfulness if you have, in penance you need not engage!
Clear conscience if you have, what is the need for pilgrimage?
Goodness if you have, do you need decoration?
Education if you have, there is no better wealth!
And ill-fame if you have, it’s worse than death!

"A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first."

"Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous."

"Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous."

Also Read: Know Your Personality By Analyzing Your Signature

"Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, what the results might be and will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead."

"As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it."

"Once you start working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest."

"The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind.But the goodness of a person spreads in all direction."

"Citizens never support a weak company and birds don't build nests on a tree that doesn't bear fruits."

"God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple."

Also read: Here is something about the importance of Art Of Giving in life that everyone should know

"A man is great by deeds, not by birth."

"Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness."

"Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next five years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend. Your grown up children are your best friends."

"Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person."
"Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth."

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